Monday 23 July 2012

The last couple of days at Allatoona GA

The Euharlee Creek Covered Bridge
Well preserved bridge
And a side view
We arrived back at camp just at the right time to see a train !!
There is a good walking trail very near the campsite of these historic battle areas

Fabulous - on the way back from our walk we get to the crossing just in time to watch the train...
He he I have a video !!!!!!
Well folks that's about it for this trip. We have had a great time, it's been a learning curve with our new home on wheels and we are sure there is still much more for us  to learn
We have had fun, food and fellowship with our dear friends here in Georgia.
It's time to store our new toys and return back across The Pond to Blighty......... hopefully the queues at Heathrow won't be too long !!!!!
Over and Out from Yorkie Man and Mrs Blogger

Sunday 22 July 2012

21st July - Cartersville GA

Hey Doug and Marlene we didn't know you had branched out into catering !
The Old Railroad Depot now the Visitors Centre in Cartersville.  
Cartersville Town Hall
Watch out for a new film staring Reese Witherspoon and Colin Firth called Devil's Knot (actually sounds a bit dark for my taste) some of the filming was done here. And here's a thing........Colin Firth was born in our local village of Grayshott !!!
There's our baby waiting for a train !!!
I'm in luck one did come through while we were here
A real old "locals" diner,.......we had great coffee and a yummy brownie
Oh my a water-tower !
Now in Adairsville smaller than Cartersville but a neat little town.
The Old Railroad Depot now a Steam Train Museum but sadly closed today

Adairsville Town Court House

Lots of heavy rain and thunder/lightening today but still 80's/90's
A good day having a look around the area
Back at Camp Harris....... 8 trains go through in an hour and half and I didn't see one !!!! We can hear them but not see them from our home.  It was raining and almost dark and wine and dinner took priority !!!!! 

Friday 20 July 2012

19th July - Safely at Allatoona Landing

Camp Harris at Allatoona Landing GA
 A tree stops us putting out our awning so need to find a new place to hang our flag
We had a straightforward drive down the i-75 to this campsite on Lake Allatoona.
It's a beautiful day, sorry folks back home but it's mid 90's and sunny
I know this would not appeal to all but our campsite is next to the Railroad....
yippee I get to see and hear a train at last :)
Yorkie Man can sleep through anything so no worries !
Now Friday morning, rain overnight and still raining so watching The Open before heading over to Cummings to check out the storage facility for our new toys......

Thursday 19 July 2012

18th July-Downtown Chattanooga

The glass bottomed bridge.......goes over a dual carriageway to the Sculpture Garden we looked around the other day.....ummm I am not sure now about stepping out on the glass walkway at The Grand Canyon....
Pedestrian bridge over The Tennessee River (no not glass bottomed !)  This was a good walk/leg stretch over to The North Shore. Approx half mile each way. A beautiful day now after thunder for most of the evening/night and then rain and thunder/lightening this morning
It's that chap in red again
The Art Museum in the Sculpture Park, taken from the bridge
A park at The North Shore

Bill we tested the beer at Big River Brewery and Grill. Checked out all 8 styles !

Wednesday 18 July 2012

17th July - Sunset Rock and the Fabulous Views

Today we are back at Point Park (rained off on Sunday)
This grand entrance is the replica of The Corps of Engineers insignia 
The New York Monument in the sunshine !!
The Confederate and The Union soldiers at the top of the monument shaking hands
Gun placements overlooking the valley
Moccasin Bend on the Tennessee River
Umbrella Rock at Point Park
View across the valley.....oh my I spy a water-tower !!!!!!
We hike the 2 hour round trip Sunset Rock trail......
At the time of the Civil War soldiers scaled these sheer rock formations on the side of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge

Yorkie Man now Cave Man !! 
Part of the trail 
A beautiful spot for our lunch sandwich.......not a sole in sight, in fact we were the only folk on the trail.
What is it they say "mad dogs and Englishmen" !!!

Another beautiful view from our quiet lunch spot

Sunset Rock........ fabulous views and a great place to stand and reflect
It has been really good to be back on a trail again and have a good walk enjoying the scenery
Today stayed hot and sunny then thunder and lightening all evening and into the wee small hours, some rain overnight
Just in case you were all wondering we haven't tried out our imitation log fire yet !!!!!

Monday 16 July 2012

Sunday 15th July - Racoon Mountain

Back on the trails after driving up the steep winding road  of  Racoon Mountain. Although very hot and humid we hike the two and half mile loop trail at Laurel Point.  Most of the mountain is used by TVA who are in charge of supplying power to the valley of Chattanooga.
There is a very large man made lake with a one way system around the rim leading to Laurel Point. We discovered while at the visitors centre that water is pumped into the lake/reservoir to be released into the river when needed.
This little guy is just so cute.....
A view across the valley of Chattanooga 
What looks like a stick/tree approx half way along the ridge  is the New York Peace Monument on Lookout Mountain
The valley of Chattanooga and Lookout Mountain
The mist/fog coming around the bend of the Tennessee River is in fact a big fat rain cloud which is on us in minutes.  Luckily we are sitting in the truck and continue to sit like Derby and Joan watching the river and waiting for the storm to pass, which it does in only 10 mins.......
When we were staying in Anderson SC pre hitching up our new home on wheels we had the most amazing display each evening of fireflies something that we have not seen since visiting Greece. They are here also, although not in such abundance as in Anderson, but very pretty nether the less. We were talking yesterday evening to a chap  from BC Canada who had never seen them before............
Isn't life grand........:)
There may be a break in transmission tomorrow as Yorkie Man was talking to a "seasoned" RVer  yesterday who gave him all sorts of advise for when we store the 5th wheel etc so off to Camping World to spend more money !!!
Before signing off.........we had such a laugh earlier, I had to go and move the truck, YM was BBQing the steaks when he heard/noticed a squirrel up in the tree dropping acorns/nuts down onto the truck with a loud thud and that would never is only 3 weeks old.........

Sunday 15 July 2012

14th July - Point Park and Ruby Falls

The Tennessee River at Chattanooga from Point Park 
The peace monument in Point Park, Chickamauga & Chattanooga National Military Park.  This monument was erected by the state of New York to honour those soldiers who fought and died on this Civil War Battlefield.
 Sadly our walking tour of the battlefields had to be held in the visitors centre as we had one of the many heavy rain showers of the last few days just as we were about to set off. I guess that was better than being half way around !!! When it rains here it is instant and heavy !!!
As ever we have so much respect and thanks for the National Parks Service and The Rangers an excellent talk.
As there are still dark clouds and rumbles of thunder we head for Ruby Falls and caverns.
Very busy today being Saturday and school holidays but we have time .
It's a half mile, approx, walk through the caverns to Ruby Falls after descending in the one and only elevator 260 feet.  We were not expecting to do this today so I have the wrong camera with me but........
One of the many flowstone formations in the caverns....
Ruby Falls is 1120 feet underground and at 145 feet high is the tallest and deepest underground waterfall open to the public. Found in 1928 by Leo Lambert, a cave enthusiast, and named after his wife.
As we enter the Falls cavern it is in darkness, you can hear the water falling but not see it, which gives a real wow factor as the lights come on........what it must have been like to have discovered them one can only imagine......
These photos in no way even come close to showing what a fabulous sight it's a sight and sound to see and absorb......

The top part........I see a face in the rock