Monday 16 July 2012

Sunday 15th July - Racoon Mountain

Back on the trails after driving up the steep winding road  of  Racoon Mountain. Although very hot and humid we hike the two and half mile loop trail at Laurel Point.  Most of the mountain is used by TVA who are in charge of supplying power to the valley of Chattanooga.
There is a very large man made lake with a one way system around the rim leading to Laurel Point. We discovered while at the visitors centre that water is pumped into the lake/reservoir to be released into the river when needed.
This little guy is just so cute.....
A view across the valley of Chattanooga 
What looks like a stick/tree approx half way along the ridge  is the New York Peace Monument on Lookout Mountain
The valley of Chattanooga and Lookout Mountain
The mist/fog coming around the bend of the Tennessee River is in fact a big fat rain cloud which is on us in minutes.  Luckily we are sitting in the truck and continue to sit like Derby and Joan watching the river and waiting for the storm to pass, which it does in only 10 mins.......
When we were staying in Anderson SC pre hitching up our new home on wheels we had the most amazing display each evening of fireflies something that we have not seen since visiting Greece. They are here also, although not in such abundance as in Anderson, but very pretty nether the less. We were talking yesterday evening to a chap  from BC Canada who had never seen them before............
Isn't life grand........:)
There may be a break in transmission tomorrow as Yorkie Man was talking to a "seasoned" RVer  yesterday who gave him all sorts of advise for when we store the 5th wheel etc so off to Camping World to spend more money !!!
Before signing off.........we had such a laugh earlier, I had to go and move the truck, YM was BBQing the steaks when he heard/noticed a squirrel up in the tree dropping acorns/nuts down onto the truck with a loud thud and that would never is only 3 weeks old.........


  1. Hi Michael & Sue,
    I can`t get the thought of you both as Derby + Joan out of my head.Hope you enjoyed camping world,
    Dave & Ann

  2. Yeap exciting stuff like a sewer hose connector.........himself did find a lounger chair he liked for sleeping outside under the awning !!!
