Wednesday 11 July 2012

30th June-Independence Day Week at Lake Burton and Cornelia, Georgia to caption this one....3 lovely guys sorting out the world !!
Bill, Michael and Jimmy

Day 2 at the lake and the drink of the day is Tequila Slushies
The Stapleton Crown Colony......our bedroom
Michael (note the T-sirt), me and Janis on the pontoon boat heading out on the lake for the fireworks
Silly me I didn't have my camera on the right setting for the fireworks but I like this one  !

Well  I had to put in one water tower !!!
There's an art to floating on the lake on a "noodle" and drinking which I soon mastered !!!

The lovely view across Lake Burton from Janis and Jimmy's house on the lake.
Before we set off for our shake-down camp we had a fabulous  time in Georgia which included celebrating Independence Day, fun food and fellowship........

1 comment:

  1. Well done Sue, good to see blog up and running. And not before time, I was beginning to suffer withdrawal symptoms from a lack of water tower photos!

    Enjoy the trip and keep the photos coming

    Alan & Maxine
