Friday 13 July 2012

12th July-On The Road To Chattanooga

Up and on the road with some trepidation, this is the first real test of  towing our new home any distance !!
We head across from Keowee to Chattanooga on Highway 76 which takes us through the foothills of the Smokey Mountains. We realise when we drive past Kingwood Golf Club near Clayton that we have passed this way before on our Big Road Trip of 2010. This time instead of turning right for The Smokies we turn left for Chattanooga.
Popcorn Overlook. Man and machine.....
 Sadly the "look" today is not a lot !! We have rain and fog for  most of our journey today but we can't complain as  we know family and friends back home are having an awful summer. It is about 20 degrees cooler though which is welcome and now only 80 degrees !!!!! Yorkie Man is doing brilliantly and getting good practise of switching from automatic to manual drive on the many steep hills  and sharp curves.  My job of navigator is easy as we stay on the US76 BUT I did have to get out in the rain and guide him under a bridge.........a very scary moment as we see a sign Bridge Ahead 13 feet 7 and we measured our home as just under 14 feet !!!!! I smile at the queue (well 2 cars) behind us  while thinking stewth  what if we can't get under but slowly does it and all ok we pass with a few inches to spare :)
The rest of our trip was uneventful and we arrive at the KOA Chattanooga  in only 5 hours with 2 stops. As usual we get a great friendly welcome, unhitch and then a much needed beer for Yorkie Man
Very heavy rain during the evening and overnight, The Harris' bought a BBQ we have that effect !!!!!
Downtown instead for a hamburger at Ole Charley's  who has "the best beef in town" and yes it was naughty but delicious :)


  1. Hi Michael & Sue.
    Just catching uo looks that you are having a great time again.Keep clear of thise low bridges. Enjoy.
    Dave & Ann

  2. sorry about the spelling mistake meant to say those not thise

  3. Thanks Dave and Ann, we don't really want anymore scary moments like that especially if there is not space to turn around !!!!
