Wednesday 18 July 2012

17th July - Sunset Rock and the Fabulous Views

Today we are back at Point Park (rained off on Sunday)
This grand entrance is the replica of The Corps of Engineers insignia 
The New York Monument in the sunshine !!
The Confederate and The Union soldiers at the top of the monument shaking hands
Gun placements overlooking the valley
Moccasin Bend on the Tennessee River
Umbrella Rock at Point Park
View across the valley.....oh my I spy a water-tower !!!!!!
We hike the 2 hour round trip Sunset Rock trail......
At the time of the Civil War soldiers scaled these sheer rock formations on the side of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge

Yorkie Man now Cave Man !! 
Part of the trail 
A beautiful spot for our lunch sandwich.......not a sole in sight, in fact we were the only folk on the trail.
What is it they say "mad dogs and Englishmen" !!!

Another beautiful view from our quiet lunch spot

Sunset Rock........ fabulous views and a great place to stand and reflect
It has been really good to be back on a trail again and have a good walk enjoying the scenery
Today stayed hot and sunny then thunder and lightening all evening and into the wee small hours, some rain overnight
Just in case you were all wondering we haven't tried out our imitation log fire yet !!!!!


  1. Excellent photo's, you can really imagine what it must have been like for the Civil War soldiers!

  2. Yes, walking around after having had the Rangers talk it was all very poignant.
